Drop the peeler — ?eating the skins of fruit and ?vegetables could boost your nutritional intake of vitamins, combat cancer and increase your energy levels.
Dr Marilyn Glenville, former president of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of ?Medicine, says: `All fruit and vegetables have a "bio-synergy", which means the nutritional ?benefits of each part are reinforced by the others.`
And the skin is not the only healthy bit we discard — stalks and cores can also be packed with nutrients.
Here, we reveal the fruit and vegetables you should try to eat whole.
Kiwi fruit
The hairy skin of the kiwi fruit is high in antioxidants and thought to have ?anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-?allergenic properties, says Dr Glenville. ‘The skin contains three times the anti?oxidants of the pulp; it also fights off bugs such as Staphylococcus and E-coli, which are responsible for food poisoning.’
猕猴桃毛茸茸的外皮中富含抗氧化剂,有抗癌,消炎,抗过敏的作用。格勒威利博士说, “猕猴桃果皮中的抗氧化剂含量是果肉的三倍,它还能对抗葡萄球菌,大肠杆菌这些会导致食物中毒的细菌。”
HOW TO EAT IT: If regular kiwi skin is too tart for you, opt for ‘gold’ kiwi fruit, which have sweeter, less hairy skins, but with the same benefits. Use the skin if you are juicing the fruit.
Don’t panic — it’s the tough core of the pineapple, not the prickly skin you should be tucking into.
Along with fibre and vitamin C, a pineapple’s real benefit lies in an enzyme called bromelain, which breaks down food and dead human tissues linger in the digestive ?system quickly, ?protecting the stomach. ‘The core of a pineapple contains twice the bromelain concentration of the surrounding fruit,’ says Dr Glenville.
HOW TO EAT IT: Press and crush the core and add the juice to smoothies. It can be stringy, but the left-over pulp can also be added to soups or casseroles for extra fibre.
Researchers in Taiwan ?discovered banana peel extract can ease depression as it is rich in serotonin, the mood-balancing chemical. The skin was also found to be good for eyes, as it contains the antioxidant lutein which ?protects eye cells from exposure to ultraviolet light — a leading cause of cataracts.
HOW TO EAT IT: The research team advises boiling the peel for ten ?minutes and drinking the cooled water or putting it through a juicer and drinking the juice.
Most people know potato skins are healthy, but few are aware of the reason why. It’s because the skin is a real nutritional powerhouse. Just one fist-sized potato skin provides half your daily ?recommended intake of soluble fibre, potassium, iron, phos?phorous zinc and vitamin C.
‘Pound for pound, potatoes ?contain more vitamin C than oranges, so are perfect for anyone looking to ward off colds,’ says Dr Glenville.
HOW TO EAT IT: Bake whole as ?jackets, boil and mash with the skin on, or slice into wedges, toss in a ?little olive oil and bake for potato wedges.
(Translator & Editor: 21英语 信宇 AND Lily)
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